Great news! India-wide Free delivery is now available on select items.  Door delivery time: 4 to 7 days.


Delivery policy

Buyers can choose the seller, if the same item is available from multiple sellers.

A login must be created before placing order.

After Payment, order confirmation receipt will be sent to your registered email id and a text message will be sent to your phone.

Items will be shipped in single box or multiple boxes.

Each item’s dispatch and delivery time may vary and will be indicated against each product listing.

Cancellation policy

We would not encourage the order for cancellation/return if you mention unwanted reason for cancellation.

Orders placed can be cancelled only within 1 hour after placing the order.

Cancellation within 1 Hour will entitle you for FULL REFUND/FULL CASH BACK VOUCHER

Cancellation between1 Hour - 3 Hour will entitle you for CASH BACK VOUCHER with Cancellation Fee deducted.

Cancellation after your order is processed/Dispatched will entitle you for Product Return Policy.

If any or all the products in an order is not shipped within maximum of 5 business days, will be automatically cancelled.

In either of the cases above a cancellation confirmation mail or message will be sent to you. Refund will be processed in 2 to 3 business days and amount will be credited within 15 business days.

The order cancelled confirmation can be viewed in Your Orders Page

With Keeping both Consumer and Venture into consideration we have decided to fix Cancellation Fee to 7% of the Product value that is cancelled. We would charge only for the product that is cancelled and not for full order. This is considering Payment Gateway Fee and Administrative Cost involved.

Product Return Policy

Return of the products will be accepted only if wrong or damaged product is delivered.

Once the products are delivered and in case of any wrong or damaged products received by the customer, must be reported to us with 24 hours from the delivered time.

Pictures or complete single unboxing video is recommended for better processing. Make the video right from the beginning of opening the parcel and viewing each of the items one after the other. Unboxing Video is mandatory for Fragile Items.

Wesfra support team will review the return request and guide you on the return process.

Products must be returned within 2 days after confirmation from the Wesfra support team.

Couriers charges paid for the returns will also be refunded. The receipt with amount mentioned has to be uploaded.

Cash Back Voucher will be processed only after the returned products has reached us and verified.

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